Manju Malhi BEM
Manju Malhi is a British-born chef and food writer, specialising in British Indian cuisine.
Healthy Easy Recipes Without Sacrificing Taste

Gram Flour Petit Fours – Besan ki Laddoo
Gram Flour Petit Fours - Besan ki LaddooSpherical-shaped sweets made of a lentil based flour.400g gram flour, sifted 250g unsalted butter 200g...
Fresh Green Coriander Chutney
Fresh Green Coriander ChutneyCoriander Chutney is an eternal favourite: it goes well with many snacks, such as pakoras or onion bhajis. It is often...
Lemon Rice
Lemon RiceBasmati is an authentic Indian long grained rice that has a unique nutty flavour. It is very popular in India and all over the world, and...
Chapatis - Unleavened FlatbreadsChapatis, made fresh everyday, are a type of unleavened bread from northern India. The wholewheat dough is made from...
Leftover Jam Cake
Leftover Jam CakeYou may have loads of jars of jam and don’t know what to do with any surplus. This is a cake which can be made only when you feel...
Oaty Apple Crumble
Oaty Apple CrumbleThis is a great way of using up leftover apples in your fruit bowl. I’ve added oats for that extra crunchiness and a little...